Hello unveiled
Bless you, bless you. It was so gratifying to read
your post ---another success story! It just confirms what a
tremendously commendable job Labi is doing with this site
--Labi you deserve the Gold Medal. Gold Medals as well to all
the women on this site who --hitherto burdened by feelings of
insecurity and negative self-consciousness----- can now hold their
heads upright and face the world (and their men) with a new-found
pride in the appearance of their beautifully-gifted labia and clit.
With respect to your "aroma" -- the dictionary
defines an aroma as a "pleasantly stimulating fragrance"
Now this may surprise you but (as long as the scent is not
offensive) most men are actually AROUSED by the pleasantly
intoxicating "aroma" that emanates from clean and healthy
vulva. It's a sniffer's delight!, so don't deny us that (smiles)
Also be careful how you use "feminine hygiene" products, as some
of them can disturb the pH balance down there and cause problems.