Erika, If you have large labia, you are certainly in the right place to be admired. Too bad about the photos, though, although I certainly do understand your reluctance to share.
January 14, 2010
Sorry everyone...I forgot to the put the 1975 after my name....that would more than likely explain why emails were not coming through???? I'm not all that comfortable with sending pics of my pussy (wouldn't want anything AT ALL to jeopardize my career)...but will look at all the pics on the site and pic one that looks like mine! Again...I'm SO excited to be part of a "community" that LOVES what I have!!! :)
The Marquis
January 16, 2010
Erika, If you have large labia, you are certainly in the right place to be admired. Too bad about the photos, though, although I certainly do understand your reluctance to share.
January 16, 2010
Showing us a reasonable facsimile will be ok, but we'd really love to see the real thing. You don't have to show any identifying features, you can even use a "junk" e-mail account.
Gerry Gillespie
January 19, 2010
Hello Erika
Greetings. Sent u an e-mail ( on
19 Jan, but it was returned to me --undelivered.
there be a problem?