I joined the group!
Hope more people will join.
January 10, 2010
I know some of us are shy about what we have, that includes myself.
But that did not stop me from adding this group and sending it to my
friends. Ive got one of them to join. Guess what, hes an 18 year old
boy!! I think we should all take the step to being more proud and
self aware. This group is dying with only 108 members. Lets prove
that we are out there and we are proud!!!
I hope Labi does not mind that I suggested this website on
the facebook page. I think facebook is an excellent way to reach the
younger generation. The downfall, open rights for people to be
ignorant and rude. The plus side, if there are tons of us and only a
couple of them it just makes them look like silly little kids.
January 12, 2010
I joined the group!
Hope more people will join.
January 12, 2010
Surely by now you know that "what you resist
persists. . .", as quoted by Carl Yung.
You can't make
something go away by fighting against it.
Mother Theresa
knew this as well. . .she said:
"I'll never attend an
Anti-War rally, but if you invite me to a Peace Rally, I'll be
I hope I make sense. . .
That said, instead
of participating in an "Anti Labia-Plasty" group, why not become more
of a contributor on THIS site, which supports women with large labia,
and the man who love them?
I totally understand what your
intention is, and I know that you only have good intentions, but an
Anti-Labiaplasty group will just give more energy to that which we
desire to rid ourselves of.
- Eric
January 15, 2010
The anti labiaplasty group is not about war. It is about
letting women know that large labia are desirable and labiaplasty is
unnecessary and even damaging.
It is about revealing the damage
that media and labiaplastists have done to women with their lies.
And of course Shawna and another member of that group have
encouraged people to visit this Website as well.
labiaplastists get that much coverage in the media, it is necessary
that at least a group (unfortunately small right now) try to get
their voices out there too.
January 22, 2010
Eric, I like to think I participate more than enough on this site but
my concern is that it took me 19 years to find this website. Facebook
is a more popular networking site which makes it more likely for
younger insecure girls to see it and join and I posted the link for
this site all over the group so In the end it just makes this group
that much more popular and noticed. I have already gotten a few
really good friends to join that group. Most of which are guys.
And Jessica is very right, the anti-labia group gives
alot of information and I think that together, sexylabia and
anti-labiaplasty could join together and help alot of people feel
comfortable with their bodies.
February 1, 2010
You ladies know where I stand on the topic of "anti"
I will continue to show support for you ladies,
and for this site, but I have to apologize as I can't participate in
something that is "anti" anything. =0)
Still luv ya though,
and I hope the feeling is still mutual for me too!
- Eric
March 20, 2011
You seem a little hung up on the title of the group Eric, of which
you are misinformed, the group is called Love The Lips,
Anti-Labiaplasty group, with emphasis on the love part, the
anti-labiaplasty bit's there to avoid confusion with the face, as
well as describing my sentiments towards it
Jessica summed up exactly the sentiment of the group which is
there simply to provide information countering the current trend that
there's something wrong with a large labia. Which sometimes includes
passionately disputing certain claims, It's simply about common
sense. Thanx for leaving the links up despite your aversion. I hope
people continue to follow the link from the group to this page, it is
good reference. Cheers
(from Love The Lips)
March 23, 2011
Slightly off topic here, but whilst we are getting "political" I
thought I'd raise the subject of female genital mutilation, which I
feel very angry about, I'm enraged that this sort of thing still goes
on, including in the West, it is illegal here in Britain, but is
still practised on over 2000 British Somali muslim girls a year, and
the police are too scared to do anything about it.
I think there
should be a big public campaign against it, meanwhile, here are some
newspaper articles on the subject, and a link to Waris Dirie's anti
fgm group - Waris is an ex supermodel and James Bond girl who
campaigns against it ;
March 25, 2011
Hot off the press ! the British Government is planning to tighten up the law on Female Genital Mutilation - a draft document has been brought out to which more details will be added - www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/31/contents - I'd urge everyone to publicise this and make representations to both tighten up the Act - and more importantly to enforce it so that it is not just empty words.
March 29, 2011
Here is a debate that people on this forum may be interested in, it is on the Richard Dawkins Foundation site (richarddawkins.net/discussions/608008-why-are-most-religions-anti-sexual) and covers relieous approach to sexuality, additionally, comment 46 by "Dirty Kuffar" has started to talk about female genital mutilation and labioplasty, so you luscious ladies and labia & clitoris lovers may want to get out there and get your point of view in !
March 30, 2011
More fresh news from Britain ; a new anti female genital mutilation
group has been set up ; www.genitalautonomy.eu/#/fgm/4543432621
it has been founded by Doctors,social
workers etc and if you look at their home page, they are organising a
conferance on Aug 31/Sept 1, aswell as providing other links.
March 31, 2011
Here is some more news from the UK - a debate has just started up on the influential (many journalists read it) Richard Dawkins site - it is about Female Genital Mutilation, and there are some pretty strong comments, including from the good professor himself - feel free to join in the debate ; richarddawkins.net/articles/609557-anti-mutilation-drive-at-risk
April 6, 2011
Another anti-fgm group people may want to check out is the UK based "Forward" - here is the link; www.forwarduk.org.uk/key-issues/fgm
April 15, 2011
One group formed in the UK quite recently by medical professionals to
campaign against fgm etc is the Secular Medical Forum, here is the
link ;
April 15, 2011
PS: a new article on FGM just out today ; www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2011/apr/15/female-genital-mutilation-midwife-kenya
April 16, 2011
I don't know what's happening to your
country...Conservative muslims practicing sharia law in Britain and
getting the government on their side! British people need to wake up!
April 18, 2011
Following on from the newspaper report above, here is the documentary
about FGM in Kenya - forward it to all the sites & blogs you know -
the more noise we can all make about it, the sooner this barbarity
will be stamped out.
April 18, 2011
Anthony, thanks for providing us with these links. What a brave girl in that documentary!
April 19, 2011
Jessica & Labi - thank you for your comments, I'm also exasperated as
to what is happening to the UK and its slow surrender to islamists.
What has happened over the years is that a norm of "cultural
relativism" - the dogma that all cultural/religious forms have equal
value has taken hold, as if FMG is somehow civilised and democratic
!, coupled with a fear of criticising islam for fear of being called
islamophobic,racist fascist etc.
More ordinary people at a
grassroots level are waking up to this and becoming increasingly
frustrated and angry, but there seems to be a gulf between the
political elite and the public - I can see tough times ahead.
the way, I believe in secular, democratic values and definately do
not agree with racism etc, I have dated and socialized with
Indian,black,Chinese etc ladies and have very fond memories of them !
In Britain,FGM has been illegal for 25 years and not a single
prosecution has been brought, despite the practise being widespread
amongst Somali muslims in the UK, due to the police etc being scared
of being called islamophobic etc - I'd suggest that the real racism
is from those who think that the poor Somali girls who have fgm
inflicted on them should not enjoy the same protection and rights as
white girls !
Grrr...rant over !
May 5, 2011
Here are some more fgm info links you can all forward to other sites
& blogs, friends etc
World Health Organisation
Female Genital Cutting Education and Networking Project:
Amnesty International