Jessica, I second the motion.
January 4, 2010
I was wondering why the founder of this wonderful site is not going
to publish a magazine
like playboy for the
labia lovers? We really need one!!!
Not only the person
who's going to publish the first labia dedicated magazine is going to
get rich. you're going to help a lot of girls and men who's their
women are insecure!
Plus you're going to see a lot of sexy
women for free and they might even be so thankful for your service
that they might sleep with u! I'll be the first! LOL
of women gets airbrushed and hidden in porn magazines today and many
women with large labia don't get a chance in the business unless they
get it chopped off!
Please we need someone to represent us
before it's too late when their are no proud large labia women left!
I'm sure labia lover men and lesbians and even straight
women who appreciate the service will support such magazine and make
sure it becomes successful!
Do it for yourself!
Do it for your loved ones!
Do it for the real women!
it for gods sake!!!!!
The Marquis
January 5, 2010
Jessica, I second the motion.
January 5, 2010
I make a motion that The Marquis & Jessica be the publishers.......maybe a good title for it could be something like "Lost in Labia Paradise", or something akin to that....heck folks, use your imagination. Marquis, you write good smooth stuff, you could do editorial content for Jess & so she could spend the bulk of her time recruiting content.
January 6, 2010
I'm down for it!
So far the few porn sites for labia lovers seem
to be successful
That's a genius business idea + playboy is
getting boring. People will Switch to our new magazine to see some
real girls ;)
The Marquis
January 6, 2010
Labia lover, It does sound like fun, doesn't it? Perhaps we could start with Jessica taking some photos to share with the rest of us, and encouraging some of the other women with larger labia who comment here to do the same. After all, Jessica obviously wants to see the photos of other women herself. And I agree with her completely.
January 7, 2010
Yeap I'll be in that;) Mmm I'll start taking pic's right now-make a
The Marquis
January 7, 2010
Bring it on ladies. I look forward to seeing what you've been talking about.
January 7, 2010
I actually wanted to take some pictures but I can't find my camera.
I'm not lying! LOL
Plus I need the playboy treatment!
January 12, 2010
OMG that's the best idea I've ever heard! :O Then I would never be insecure again and all men would find it normal to have big lips!
January 16, 2010
I'd like to nominate you to be the editor of
this magazine, after all it was your idea, you should get the credit.
But what's this about wanting the Playboy treatment? Isn't
Playboy one of the leading causes of all the anti labia sentiment in
the world? If anything I'd think you'd want anything BUT the Playboy
XOXO t_d
January 18, 2010
Thanks tempest_driver for nominating me to be the editor but I think
Labi is the one who has the experience and potential for being an
By "playboy treatment", I meant professional photography
and makeup.
I'd better say Met_ART treatment!
asian pussy lover
April 3, 2010
there use to be a magazine called lip's but no longer available too bad for us
July 16, 2010
Omg, someone should really do this! Honestly, think of the girls it would help. If i saw a mag like that, i would be instantly more secure with myself! And i bet all the woman ont his site are just beautiful! x
June 19, 2013
Yes, we do need this magazine. I am glad to see women interested in
it. I personally love a womans PETALS.
Back a couple
years ago I saw a documentary about female genital mutilation. It was
incredibly disturbing. The lady that was the narrator, was talking to
a couple men in England. They each had a woman in their life that was
going in to have their labia cut down. I couldn't believe it. I was
shocked. To me that would be like cutting the petals off of a
beautiful flower. These men had talked their ladies into this. It
looked like the men had made the ladies feel self conscious about
their large labia. I couldn't believe the men didn't find their
ladies incredibly sexy. Must be just an England or European thing. I
love large Labia and Clitoris. A pussy is a womans beautiful
Make the magazine. it will sell.