Who is it that tell you that no one wants you because of your labia??
And who is it that tell you to get labiaplasty?? If you are really
going to listen to other people like that, why not listen to the
endless line of men and women who dedicate their love for larger lips
on this web site and other web sites?! Only few people really think
that large labia isn't sexy, maybe you have been unlucky to meet to
many of those or maybe their cruel statements are dificult to get out
of your head. I know it all to well since I used to be really
ashamend of mine aswell but this web site among other things made me
realize that large labia is really a very sexy thing according to
most people. I also see it this way: having large labia really
enhance the chances of ending up with real men (and women) who
appriciate women the way they look.
By the way are you sure
that your hubby doesn't say anything just to avoid hurting your
feelings? Couldn't it be because he likes you the way you are?
By the way you don't need to change anything about yourself
to get an active sex life. Since I started having sex I have always
had an active sex life and I also have large labia. All in all I have
had good experience with my sex partners except one really bad
experience that also ended up making me very self concious for a very
long time.
You say that you like to play with them. That is
really good, then you also must know deep down that they are a
blessing and not a curse.
I really hope for the best for you:
that you will realize how lucky you really are and tell people who
try to convince you otherwise to go to hell.
Take care, Ann