Anne, don't rush into anything with your b/f. If you read the
various letters on this site, and look at the various photos, you
will see that your lips are actually quite lovely, quite sexual, and
very attractive. They are a positive thing in your life, not a
negative. The first thing you must learn, is to love yourself.
Without an appreciation of your own body and it's beauty, you
can hardly be a good partner for someone else. After all, you
would be constantly worried that he will see something you are
ashamed of, or that you don't think is attractive, and therefore you
would be hiding it, or preventing him from making love to you
completely. Read and learn first. You might also check
out for more photos of lovely women. I also
agree with one of the other commentors, that you must know the law in
your location regarding sex with someone over 18. The penalties
can be quite severe. Don't rush into something which you don't
yet understand.