What you experienced was the wonderful and elusive female orgasm.
some women may experience some incontinence during an intense osgasm,
but they are not the same thing. If you need to prove it to yourself
just ask yourself this one question. When was the last time you
pissed that much, and with that much force? This type of orgasm is
much much rarer than it should be because ignorance has put the same
stigma upon it that those wonderful big fat pussy lips get, which we
all know by now is completely unfair and should be a capitol offense
(Just my opinion).
I can tell you really enjoyed it, so keep
enjoying it. Keep a stack of old towels handy, put a rubber sheet on
your bed, and refuse to let any man enjoy you who's not turned on by
Enjoy your new toy honey, and let us know how it's
going from time to time.
I'm open to receiving pics and
videos of this too if you're so inclined, female ejaculation is
really sexy!