I've already asked her to come on here, but she's
playing the shy bullshit -- she just reads, and doesn't comment on
anything (even with my encouraging nudges).
Her responses
WOULD be just as fabulous, no doubt about it!
She's very
beautiful, highly sexual (like me), incredibly adept in the
intellectual department, open to experiences with bringing other
partners into our bedroom (privately of course), and she has an
amazing pussy to boot! She does kegel exercises, and her snatch
grips my cock like a vise grip -- can you say "lucky as hell?"
End result, I'm a lucky (and happy) bastard!
I get to
have my "cake" and eat it too (literally in my wife's case), and I
think in a perfect world we'd all get to do that, but unfortunately
the things we talk about and share with one another on this site
haven't yet become mainstream. =0/
Soon. . .I think the
world is on the verge of an evolutionary "jump", because we can't
keep living the way we've been living anymore.
Most people
pretend, and usually don't say what they really feel think because of
what OTHER people may think. . .they could be ostracized by their
peers for example. . .but I say fuck it. Let the world know who
you are, and how you think. They'll either accept you or they
won't. . .but one things for sure that "pretending" shit is coming to
an end, and sooner than later too.
I'm not talking about no
Jesus returning, The Prophet Mohammed rising or any of that either. .
.I'm talking about the Universe becoming conscious of itself.
Human beings are connected far more closely than any of us can
even comprehend, and the time for that "evolutionary jump" I just
mentioned is coming, and will change the way we interact with one
another forever.
We think that because we live on this
fairly small planet (large to us though), and are pre-occupied with
the bullshit that goes in our lives (and the lives of others around
the world) that we've managed to "skip" the beat on the Universe's
turntable, but nothing could be further from the truth.
not talking Armageddon, Fire and Brimstone and all that shit either.
. .I'm talking a real, conceivable "evolutionary jump".
Humans haven't evolved in thousands of years. . .we've just
become more dependent on technology to make the mundane shit we do
In reality, the human mind has a
capacity that is unfathomable to us at the moment. . .but I think the
time is coming for those parts of our mind to "wake up".
There will be a day I believe when we no longer need to formulate
sounds with our vocal cords, tongues and mouths, to communicate
something to another person.
Could you imagine what that
would be like??
Hard to comprehend right??
Time is
a concept invented by humans. . .in reality space and time itself is
just an illusion at the end of the day (no pun intended).
you tried to break down the amount of time that the Universe has been
in existence. . .or maybe something simpler, like the number of
galaxies that exist besides ours, your brain wouldn't even be able to
wrap it's head around the number (neither could mine or any of our
best scientists even).
So as humans we invent things to
explain. . .well. . .the unexplainable.
Once you measure
past septillions of years for example, you have something
called a "cosmological decade". It works on a logarithmic
scale, meaning that the decade after the last one is longer than the
last ones before it ALL combined.
Now, I'm not saying any of
this to make your eyes glaze over, and fuck up your thought
processes. . .I say this because as human beings, we don't seem to
get that the ultimate purpose of our short lives on this tiny little
planet is to be happy. Period.
It's not to kill each
other, it's not to control each other, it's not to have more than the
next human has (hoarding), it's simply to live, let live, fuck, roam,
fuck some more, and just do whatever your whim tells you to do.
Now, I'm not Utopian, and of course a "Survivalist" or "Marxist"
will flame my theories here. . .but I say fuck that, because we're
all "surviving" as a species. There is no "survival of the
fittest" bullshit. We're ALL surviving as a species, not as
different races, nationalities, or any of that crap.
define their lives by the bad shit that happens to them, not by the
good things that happen ironically. . .yet they will turn right
around and tell you: "I want to be happy."
Yet, everything
that is causing "problems" as we experience them in our lives were
ALL created by us in the first place.
Who the fuck created a
border between the US and Mexico for example, or the US and Canada,
or any other country??
Last I checked, we were all born on
this fucker, and therefore we all have "rights" (if you wanna call it
that. . .probably not the best term) to it. "Mexico" (just
another piece of land) belongs to me, as much as it belongs to you or
anyone else. Just like the land that we lay claim to here (the
USA) belongs to any Mexican who want to inhabit it. No one, and
I do mean NO ONE can tell anyone on this planet where they can go or
what they can do, although we do allow other humans to do just that.
Are they better than we are?? No. Do they know shit
we don't know? No (they may claim to, but it's bullshit).
We "elect" (that's a funny word) people to lead us, because we
don't think we can lead ourselves. We all have a "are you my
daddy??" complex in that respect.
There is no reason why I
shouldn't be able to walk from here to Mexico, without any shit if I
want to. . .and vice versa for a "Mexican" (who's really just another
But I realize I'm branching off on a whole 'nother
topic here, so I'm gonna stop now before you folks think I'm fucking
nuts or something.
If you wanna dialog about that stuff,
just e-mail me, and we'll chat it up. . .otherwise, I promise to keep
to the talk about pussy here! =0)