The darker the better. Dark full lips are so very hot. My wife is Italian and her lips are full and dark. She has the nicest pussy out of any girl that I have been with. I love it and you should love yours.
little miss me.
January 18, 2009
hey. ive always been self concious about my pussy. heres the story.
my inner lips look like theyve been stretched, theyr kind of long and
one is a little longer than the other one. my pussy sits in a little
bulge between my legs, my friend once saw me in my undies and told me
my pussy looks really cute because of its shape. but the main thing
in concerned about is the colour. im middle eastern and i naturally
have tanned skin, so when it comes to down there, im particuarly very
dark. and i dont know if this is good or bad or a turn off?
January 20, 2009
The darker the better. Dark full lips are so very hot. My wife is Italian and her lips are full and dark. She has the nicest pussy out of any girl that I have been with. I love it and you should love yours.
January 21, 2009
aw you really think so? because i get very shy wen it gets to sex. especiialy if its with a guy that im not in a relationshi with. i never let them go down on me because im afraid of what theyll think. -_-
January 23, 2009
There are plenty of guys that love it. Don't lock that out for yourself. Take the chance with the next guy you like.
May 4, 2009
I know there are a lot of guys out here like myself that love the dark lips. I am really turned on by contrasting colors of the surrounding skin tone and then all of the different shades of the outer and inner lips and the openings too. Believe me you will find many guys that will love exploring and pleasing you!
asian pussy lover
November 4, 2009
my wife is philippina and has dark nipples and the outside of her pussy lips are dark but beautiful pink on the inside i love all colors because i love pussy thanks.
January 3, 2010
I have dark labia too!
hopefully that's a turn on?!
February 23, 2010
I love dark luscious labia, I think they are the most beautiful sexy thing in this world. If you would like a new friend and admirer, then allow me to boost your confidence.
April 30, 2010
I have large dark labia too. I posted a letter asking questions about the color as well in the April 2010 letters. I am curious as well. I am glad you guys answered this. I dont shave COMPLETELY around it. I trim EVERYWHERE and shave around the top and leave a little patch right above the clit. Is this okay or do guys like them shaved? Or what is your favorite way for them to be cleaned up?
April 28, 2011
Oh dear lady,
The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice!
Be proud and happy with your dark pussy. I am african american. My
pussy is beautiful! Remember your pussy is lovely as long as youkeep
it healthy. Smooches!
April 29, 2011
Dear Little Miss Me ; your tanned pussy is definately not a turn off
- rest assured on that one ! - its nice to hear a middle eastern lady
discussing sexuality when there is so much sexual repression in many
of those countries.
Stay healthy and have fun ! X