we all just need to love and enjoy what we are blessed with .
November 8, 2008
Like another writer I stumbled across this web site curiously
searching for information on labiaplasty. I've always been so self
conscious of my girly bits. As it happens, I have practically
non-existent labia majora and a labia minora that protrudes out of
the outer lips like a cat's tongue.
This site, though
it was a kind of inspiration, now I'm in this middle ground, I don't
have either big nor small lips. If I had labia minora that were full
and long like the ladies in your pictures I'd at least fill out some
characteristic of desirability.
I wonder where I stand.
luv ur lips
November 10, 2008
we all just need to love and enjoy what we are blessed with .
November 30, 2008
Wow, you sound way desirable. Don't worry my dear you sound beautiful. Are you kidding. That's got to be hot hot hot. You should consider yourself really lucky.
dr osaw
December 28, 2008
hi, wish if we discuss that personally through out my e mail, mentioned to u, osaw57@yahoo.com