Beth, it is a known fact that the cruellest of out speces are women.
Pay them no mind - eccapt them as what they are and go on.
As far as the dolts who have no appreciation for "full, luscious
labia" (my mouth is watering right now), look for guys who are a
little older than the ones you have been running with. Also, you can
get some clues while having group discussions. Constantly keep
an ear open for the right answers.
One time, I was
with a group of people and we were telling jokes. I offered a toast:
"Here's to the kisses I've snatched - and vica-versa!" A little
later, one of the group took me aside and asked if my "toast" was
really just a joke - - - or what. Bottom line, I can't
tell you if she had small or large lips - but they were delicious!