Right ON, Friend!!!
Long lips or short lips, beautiful and
much, much more so when attached to a wonderful, open, and
experimental attitude. (NO vanilla, please)
March 2, 2008
I love this site and its celebration of large labia, but I can't agree with a statement I read here that refers to large labia: "In fact, when it comes to raw sex appeal, they easily outdo the smaller ones." I'm all for reassuring women with large labia that they're beautiful, but not at the expense of their small-lipped sisters. Big, small, prominent or shy, all labia are great, and one's not sexier than another. Honestly, I've never met a pussy I didn't like.
April 15, 2008
Right ON, Friend!!!
Long lips or short lips, beautiful and
much, much more so when attached to a wonderful, open, and
experimental attitude. (NO vanilla, please)
March 10, 2011
Dude, the comment was probably his personal preference. Everyone has a fetish, mine is broad shoulders on a man. I'm rather tired of a world where everyone has to be fair or considerate of others. Nothing on here says small lipped women arent as great but this site is for those who are not small lipped and might I add, there are few sites for women who have larger labia.