April 26, 2005
Hey firstly looooove your site (have told you this previously). I've come up with a great idea. (Well I think it's a great idea). Why don't we get all of your female site viewers to measure their own labias (when stretched andor fully aroused) send in the measurements and see who's got the longest/biggest??? Or better still send in anonymous photos !!!!!! HEHEHEHEHE - That would be fun and interesting!!!! Keep up the great work . Also why don't you tell us something about yourself - you don't have to indulge too much information - age, occupation (other than labia lover) which country you are from and maybe a first name. Reading all of your articles I feel I know you however, I know I don't but you seem like a very sensitive, sensuous, intelligent and wonderful person. Your wife or partner very lucky lady indeed. So come on at least give us a few details. We've all told you about our innies and outies!!!!!!! Plllllleeeeeaaaaassseeeee?
Dear Anonymous,
I'm flattered by your generous compliments!
Hey, I like your idea to get the actual labia dimensions of all women here. But I've got an even better suggestion... Why
don't I just come over and measure them myself! I'll even do the
arousing part free of charge if I'm in a good mood that day.
Seriously though, a labia competition with photos could be a nice touch but I think this site isn't the ideal place for it. It would need to be well organized and the pictures should be taken by a (semi-)professional photographer. Why? Because most amateur photos don't do pussies any justice. Lighting, color correction, composition, sharpness and even pussy grooming are most of the time ignored. The result is a vulva that looks less attractive than it is in reality.
Oh, and something about myself... Well, I'm just over thirty, from Canada and besides being a fulltime labia lover I'm also a database administrator. And a name, what's wrong with my pseudonym.... Okay then, how's Tylor?
Best wishes,